I really like this restaurant at Ngee Ann City! Lots of pasta choices & at a reasonable price :)
You can find it near the new Candylicious shop!
Christmas Eve
Last minute plans with friends to get dinner at Dempsey! More were supposed to come but in the end some cancelled :( Anyway, we had reservations at House @ Dempsey!
Truffle risotto. Pretty good, but I wish it had less veggie bits (yuck)!
Mushroom pizza! One of the signature pizzas apparently.
English Breakfast pizza! Haha that's because it has bacon & eggs. The tomato-y taste was way too overpowering though. The previous pizza was definitely better!
We also got these mini burgers, which come with truffle fries! Overall the food at House is pretty good, but the drinks suck. I actually ordered English Breakfast Tea because the rest was just...
We also got these mini burgers, which come with truffle fries! Overall the food at House is pretty good, but the drinks suck. I actually ordered English Breakfast Tea because the rest was just...
With Chloe, Shaun & Nathaniel! Friends from SAJC :)
I headed to Alaric's after that while my friends went to get drinks because his mom had a dinner party that night as well! Too bad I missed the food.
Doggy pictures!
I headed to Alaric's after that while my friends went to get drinks because his mom had a dinner party that night as well! Too bad I missed the food.
Doggy pictures!
These are the mongrel puppies that Alaric & I are currently fostering. They're siblings & only about 1 month old; they were discovered in a drain at just 3 weeks old! (Puppies in pet shops are 3 months old)
We're still giving them puppy milk powder formula, but they're slowly moving to solid puppy kibbles already :) No idea what happened to their mom & other siblings!
And their names - Laura & Ashley. Haha just something random I came up with on the spot, because at first I was thinking of Mary-Kate & Ashley (the Oslen twins). Not a very good name so I hope whoever adopts them finds something cuter! :)
I haven't done up a proper post about their adoption yet, but if anyone is already interested please email me at sophiewillocq@gmail.com! Thank you :)
These are the mongrel puppies that Alaric & I are currently fostering. They're siblings & only about 1 month old; they were discovered in a drain at just 3 weeks old! (Puppies in pet shops are 3 months old)
We're still giving them puppy milk powder formula, but they're slowly moving to solid puppy kibbles already :) No idea what happened to their mom & other siblings!
And their names - Laura & Ashley. Haha just something random I came up with on the spot, because at first I was thinking of Mary-Kate & Ashley (the Oslen twins). Not a very good name so I hope whoever adopts them finds something cuter! :)
I haven't done up a proper post about their adoption yet, but if anyone is already interested please email me at sophiewillocq@gmail.com! Thank you :)
Doggy tshirts from Daiso as well! $2 for a dog tshirt is insanely cheap O.O Pet shops sell them for >$30! Plus Daiso has lots of designs, and even SIZES. They're wearing Size S right now of course.
Haha Ashley (black) has a wrinklier face so I prefer Laura (brown), but everyone else prefers Ashley! The black one is way more manja so that's probably :)

Super hard to get a clear shot of both of them at the same time! There'll always be one that's still & one that's moving.
Doggy candycane toy!
LOL fighting over the toy.
See! Ashley is super manja! If you're sitting on the floor she'll just climb unto your lap and fall asleep! ♥
Haha kaypoh doggies.
Christmas Day
Went to Alaric's friend's place for potluck dinner and there was super a lot of food! Woohoo. Our contribution: mahjong table & set. Which we ended up playing lol.
Truffle oil mashed potato (not bad!), turkey, pies, pizza, chicken drumlets, chicken pie... Alaric's friend's family owns Hatched (at Bukit Timah), so we got lots of Hatched food too - egg benedict, mushroom sauce mashed potato etc.
Haha logged into my Facebook on his friend's iPad & we thought the interface looked amusing.

LOL Alaric's friend kept laughing when he saw my Lumix G3 because his DSLR is more "professional"! #sadface
Yucks sucky tiles. Not my flower, can't play pong-pong, can't play half-colour...
But overall that night I think I only lost maybe $5? That's still passable. I've actually bankrupted (lose the base - we usually play with a base amount of $40) a few times before!
Yucks sucky tiles. Not my flower, can't play pong-pong, can't play half-colour...
But overall that night I think I only lost maybe $5? That's still passable. I've actually bankrupted (lose the base - we usually play with a base amount of $40) a few times before!
Hope everyone had a good Christmas! I've no plans yet for the New Year's Eve countdown although it's just tomorrow! Might bother making resolutions this year LOL.
Happy 2012 everyone!
P.S. Oh yeah I'm assuming you guys have realised I'm testing out a new alignment! I'm hoping this will look a little neater although I don't really like the words being in the middle.