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Friday, June 10, 2011
Went for the HTC launch of their new touchscreen smartphone on Wednesday night, which was a club-ish (above 18, alcoholic drinks and DJs) event held at an old school building.

For once I felt short since Qiuting wore heels and I was in flats!

Gosh I haven't been in one of these old school building since I was... 11 years old? Omg I totally remember these kinds of corridors! What a stark contrast to the air-conditioned tutorial rooms of NUS now.



Qiuting: "I think the light behind you is too bright". ORLY? HOW YOU KNOW? Major understatement haha.

Clearly I did not take this picture but I'm including it because I think they made the ice block look so cool! (pun not intended)



That's the new HTC phone! Sorry that there's a post-it right smack on it haha.

P.S. Do you guys still think Alaric looks like Utt? I don't think he does! Kinda amusing since Utt was there that night. But in the very least I think Alaric is taller than Utt hahaha.
8 comments on "HTC"
  1. Anonymous3:54 AM

    he looks a lot like you. i think a lot of couples look like eachother and that's why they're attracted to them

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    qiuting looks a little like joanna peh in the first picture!

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Haha, i think only in the previous post pic, he seriously looked like utt from that angle. But they are both hot :P

  4. Anonymous9:10 PM

    you guys look so good together ! No kidding

  5. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Alaric doesn't look like utt, he looks like freddie from skins!!

  6. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Alaric does look a little like Utt but both Utt and Alaric look good in their own way. & yeah i agree that both of you look good together :).

  7. jing yu1:48 AM

    hello! linked to your blog from xiaxue's! i'm from fass too, year2 next sem!

    i looked at your photos all the way back until your j2 year and find that you still look the same!! age has no effect on you.

    btw i just wanted to comment that alaric looks like yen-j, and your ex bf looks like wuzun. :O

  8. Jing Yu: Haha omg you read that far??? Gosh! It's like a crash course in the last 3 years of my life haha. Lol I've heard the Wuzun one a few times!

    And I definitely hope I look better than in J2 haha. But thanks so much dear (:
