Lunch with Alaric's dad at an Italian restaurant; this is Alaric's dish. Took a picture because it looks interesting while I as usual got pasta ♥

Went to Central World for dinner, which is a massive shopping centre near Platinum Mall. It has all your usual international brands like F21, Zara etc but I didn't go check out their stores; prices should be about the same anyway.
They have TONS of Japanese restaurants! You literally can find 4 restaurants side by side, with 2 opposite and 2 perpendicular. Madness!
Anyway we ate at a place called Zen Restaurant I think? They have buffet (sashimi, tempura, sushi etc) for 300+ baht, which is not even S$20!

Got drawings done before watching a movie. Only 150 baht (S$6) for one drawing, it's the same price whether there's one or two people in it. You can find this man at the same floor as the cinema (7th floor) but you'll have to walk around a bit to find this makeshift-stall space.

We actually meant to have one drawing each but he misunderstood us haha (the man is deaf) so that's us together.
Watched Insidious... bad choice but there was really nothing else! In Thai cinemas they have a normal and "luxury" seat system, but their normal seats are very comfy anyway! They also play the national anthem at the start of every movie and everyone in the cinema has to stand up lol.

We heard that a lot of restaurants re-use their glass bottles and... yep I'm quite sure it's true haha. We always see crates of empty bottles stacked and kept in a corner, so well... you might not be drinking "authentic" Coke I guess? My bottle above actually had rust around the mouth!

I was brave and decided to try streetside food despite all I've heard about food poisoning haha. I got chicken tom yum since everyone said it would be safer than seafood. Well nothing happened to me! This stall looks really popular anyway, so... safety in numbers!

Went down to Chatuchak/Jatujak (you may hear some people refer to it as JJ market instead) on Saturday! We meant to go at 11am but... lazy. Think we reached slightly after lunch?

Changing more money! Our hotel was pretty conveniently located, with a 7-11 and a money changer opposite. But then again Bangkok is seriously flooded with 7-11s! You can literally find two 7-11s opposite each other. No joke.

Took the MRT (called BTS in Bangkok), that's the ticket you use! Weird haha.

Cooooool. Would like this in my room if I had a spare bulb dangling from the ceiling.

Kinda weird haha.

Frozen bananas dipped in hot chocolate then rolled in colourful sprinkles or peanuts! I got the peanuts one (hate sprinkles) but it's actually not nice at all ): Frozen banana is tasteless, it's basically just like tasteless ice-cream covered in a thin layer of chocolate?

Bangkok has a lot of floating markets along the big river, so there are lots of different ones you can go to (including the most famous tourist one). We went to one that's located on the outskirts of Bangkok, which was a 1.5 hour drive away. This one isn't a conventional tourist spot, majority of the visitors were Thais from other parts of Thailand. In fact we only saw two Caucasians there.

Thailand's Second King's summer palace.

Haha this is somehow iconic to Amphawa, they even have tourist souvenirs modeled after this! (like little keychain replicas hahaha)

Took the boat ride (60 baht per pax, 600 baht to rent the whole boat) down the river, which included seeing the fireflies. The boat ride was 1 hour long, which was too long really... The fireflies were nice, but after the 30th twinkling tree, the following ones start to be seriously boring.

Lol we had to first climb through another boat then unto the plank.

Floating restaurants! Really quite impressive. They cook the food ON the boat with a stove and everything, and pass it to people who just sit on the floor on the riverbanks and eat it there.
As you can see it's not that touristy so nothing was in English (a lot of Bangkok has English signs now; all shopkeepers are naturally enterprising and opportunist!). Decided it would be safer for us to head to some of the few more Westernised-looking places for dinner!

TONS of stray dogs in Bangkok, and this was the cutest one I saw! It's busy begging for food from all the people squatting to eat their food haha.

Got a seat literally beside the river. I wonder whether/how often people fall in or accidentally drop stuff inside! I mean just one knock and the tissue box would easily fall in.

This was in front of a HOTEL. Haha I mean it's really just a house, but it was very nicely furnished.

Another drawing! A caricature this time round, and even cheaper (60 baht)!

Hahaha told the guy I wanted the drawing of me to be with my normal fringe (here I'm all gross from the day spent sweating at Chatuchak). He added the ribbon on my bun himself, but took revenge by giving me an extra long chin in the drawing hahaha FML.

GE in Thailand right now. Anyway I have no idea who this politician is and what he says or how good he is and whatever, but... his pictures are freaking funny!!!!!
Too bad I didn't get a picture of his other posters, but he has one where it's a super close-up of just his face (looking all serious and "deep") and another of him holding a DOG. In fact, there's one poster where the politician is holding.... a PANDA hahaha.
I mean, what's the significance of the panda? Is he advocating better bilateral relations with China? LOL.
This reminds me of a tweet I saw:
"I love pandas; they're so chill. They're like, 'Dude racism is stupid. I'm White, Black, and Asian'"

And... here are the INSANE queues at the immigration counters at the airport. Our flight was at 11.55am; not sure if lunchtime is some kind of peak hour for Bangkok. This was really crazy!