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It's The Thought That Counts

Sunday, November 28, 2010
I freaking feel like Betty sometimes/most of the time. Ironic because I always liked Veronica more and thought Betty was annoying and desperate.


You know what they always say about "It's the thought that counts" and etc? It's bullshit. It's the thought that counts, only when the item is already of sufficient value or as long as the person actually gets you something.

If two people got you the same LV wallet, then you say It's the thought that counts, because one maybe had to look longer to get it or save up more or something.

If it's between an LV wallet, and a photo album - "It's the thought that counts" - ORLY? (for you noobs, that means Oh Really)

Most of the time when people say It's the thought that counts, it's usually because one person totally didn't give them a present and they were hoping for one, so they say that because to them it means that the person didn't think about them/couldn't be bothered.

You ask any random person on the street to choose between a handmade card and a branded wallet; they're going to go for the wallet. Nowadays all people care about are materialistic things. Because you're willing to spend $xxx on me, that must mean I mean more to you. No one gives a shit if the card took 3 days to make. What's 3 days compared to $xxx? I can afford 3 days, but I can't afford $xxx on my own. So I rather get the $xxx.

I feel like Betty because everything I get/can get, is going to be through my own efforts. But it's never going to feel like it's enough to measure up. So what if Veronica's presents are also self-serving; because she gets to show off? When you open them you still go Oh Wow! Thanks!

P.S. I hate how after I get over my unhappy/thinking moment I look back and feel so embarrassed about whatever I felt/thought/reacted. I used to tear entries out from my diary because they made me feel so stupid and I hated re-reading them. But I don't know... is it that bad to have outbursts, even if they're stupid? Should I still remain embarrassed by them? Anyway too many of my "personal" thoughts go unpublished and this is still a "personal" blog so...
P.P.S. On a happier note, last paper tomorrow at 9am!
16 comments on "It's The Thought That Counts"
  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Yeah, all those moments always comes back to me but I realised I actually learned quite abit from them.

  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    You shouldnt remove them. It;s okay to write when smth is bothering you or when you;re feeling unhappy. we all do that and wld feel stupid/embarrassed afterwards.

  3. huh? So you are saying you gave a present to someone and that person didn't appreciate it?

  4. Anonymous11:18 PM

    who was that jerk/biatch who made u feel this way hon. cheer up (:

  5. Anonymous1:10 AM

    i'll still b going for the card instead of the wallet!

  6. Anonymous11:05 AM

    if the person cannot afford branded wallets, but buys you a photo album, isn't it ok? at least she got you something.

    i think u got another idea of its the thoughts that count. like you're reading too much into it.

  7. Anonymous12:59 PM


  8. Anonymous12:27 AM

    There are people who will still opt for the card. Especially when it comes from someone you know you can't afford to lose. Just my two cent's worth.

  9. i agree, most ppl are more materialistic now. but i'm sure ppl that appreciate hand made cards still exist! (: i have tonnes of unpublished posts and outburst entries too. i don't throw them away. instead i kept them and took out to laugh at what i was thinking at that point in time (: its ok! anw! happy holidays! :D mine ends like 2nd dec evening paper )):

  10. 我对你执迷不悔.

  11. Anonymous7:42 PM

    i don't know why. but this blog sounds kind of sad to me.

  12. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I would definitely go for the card, and I'm not just saying. If the card were from someone who genuinely means it, I mean. If it were from someone who ordinarily wouldn't give two hoots about me, I wouldn't care for it.

  13. if it was my birthday, i don't need any card or whatever. i just want you to take me to bed with you.

  14. Anonymous4:51 PM

    omg,yes,wow,exactly thats how i felt too! the last 2 paragraphs you wrote really hit it on the nail for me! i always feel the exact same way,now i know im not the only one,its such a relief and feels great. aww,it's okay :) for me,i kinda regret removing some of my diary entries yet not sure at the same time also. sigh...

  15. You've got hot legs! :D
    I'm a girl anyway! Hahah.

  16. You've got hot legs! :D
    I'm a girl anyway! Hahah.
