[edit] GEEZ I spent the whole afternoon (minus 3 hours when I went for a blogshop shoot) trying to post this up! Everytime I tried loading Blogger it just kept saying Bad Request to me -_- tried clearing my cache, history etc. I am now typing this from my mom's Sony Vaio, ugh. [/edit]
Here's my post about Christmas, before it's NYE! I didn't do anything in particular expect going for dinners. Can't really think of something else to do that might be more special for Christmas, except maybe spending it overseas or somewhere unusual (and also highly inconvenient) like on the beach.

Really pretty Christmas tree! I like that the overarching theme seems to be pink :D Anyway, this is MY Christmas tree. Yes, in my house. Look, behind the Christmas tree? That's the verandah opening out onto my garden, in which I naturally have an Olympic-sized pool and the mandatory koi pond. WHY I CANNOT HAVE GLITTERY PINK REINDEER IN MY HOUSE?
Okay fine that's the Christmas tree at the Visitor's Centre at the Botanic Gardens. I like it!

Pathetic attempts at getting some kind of light effect thingy (I'd love to be able to do bokeh). I swear for my next camera I will at least get and master a semi-pro. But my current one is so new anyway.
For the record; because I get asked this all the time: my camera is a Sony Cybershot, DSC-WX1. It is a normal digital camera. I have memorised its full name due to repeatedly having to answer this question.
On the 23rd, Alaric and I went to town for some last minute Christmas shopping (his, since I didn't buy ANYONE anything). After that we went to his friend's house for Christmas dinner!

I bought the silver bracelet (left arm) at Far East Plaza because I felt they look like silver Christmas tree baubles!

Floral denim shorts from Twist Polka! I think they're cute!

Alaric's shirt is Christmas-themed! It's supposed to look like a candy cane.

Alaric's friend's new Chow-Chow! Haha super cute; it's wearing a diaper. Its name is Lei-Lei I think? Lei is supposed to be Chinese dialect for Chow!

LOL at its face! Reaching for a scrap of turkey haha.

Looks like a little bear!

Played mahjong again that night! Had damn bad Feng Shui in my second game, grr. Luckily Alaric won enough at poker to cover my losses at mahjong hahaha.
On Christmas Eve (read, 24th) had dinner at Alaric's. His mom had a gold/silver theme so I re-wore my SAJC prom dress... (black with lots of gold specks) Watched a movie after that.
On the 25th (Christmas Day itself), went to buy groceries to make pasta for potluck dinner at night! Potlucks in my group are usually quite fail... no one really bothers cooking. I made tonsssss of pasta!

My pasta and Darrell's shepherd's pie.

More turkey (ate turkey 3 days in a row, ugh) and Sarah's salmon salad.

Enraptured by bad singing. Haha I can't play guitar/drums/bass on Guitar/Band Hero for nuts, but I'm damn good at singing! Okay lah, singing is honestly super easy. You can just make grunts into the mike and you'll still get the score.
But I can hit like 100% correct notes when playing on Hard ^^
Brought my ginormous tray of pasta home (I've been eating it for a few days straight and it's only half gone) and went to Zouk to meet Alaric's friends! My friends thought I had brought my pasta there...
Can't imagine how the baggage counter girl would react if I tried to leave my pasta with her.
Was telling Alaric how it would be quite amusing if someone left a stronger-smelling food (like you know how if you buy food back, your car smells of it) with the bag counter, and at the end of the night all the Chanels, Balenciagas, Ferragamos and what not, all smell of it.

I know this looks more like decoration in a Haunted House but it's actually the chandelier in Zouk main, with little snowflakes hanging off it.

There was a guest dj that night so it was pretty crowded!
The Zouk valet carpark was actually completely FULL, so I had to park at the HDB opposite. Walked out to check the HDB signboard on whether or not I needed to put coupons and a police car pulled up beside us. The officers got out and asked to check our ICs -_- our local police force got so bohliao or what.
Anyway they called back to wherever with our IC numbers, and obviously found nothing. Squeaky clean citizens.

My Christmas Day dress is from Six & Twelve! They have it available in tulle on white cloth too.

Like I said, I didn't buy anyone anything for Christmas (besides one mandatory gift exchange for Qiuting's Adonis Lunch). I told Alaric not to buy me anything since I wasn't buying him anything, so he bought me a whole bunch of soft toys for fun, and a Christmas sock to put them in.
Didn't even self-gift myself unless you count the $150 I spent at Topshop, which is a first for me, and consisted of 4 items (all of which were on sale).
I gave up on New Year Resolutions a long time ago. I remember seeing this girl (whom I do not know) having a New Year's resolution of... getting a certain pair of branded shoes. I just checked up the meaning of resolution, and I guess aiming to buy something fits, but it was just so -_-
Like, aren't New Year Resolutions supposed to be about self-improvement and all that jazz? Thought almost every (Singaporean) teenager wishes for stuff like, Being more conscientious in school (well, I did). Stuff that never happens. So why bother?
All I wish for 2011... okay now that I think about it there's a ton of stuff I'd wish for. But the first thing that came to mind is, Making and Saving more Money. That's all. No year to me was ever entirely pleasant enough for me to enjoy doing a, "200x/201x in a nutshell" type of blogpost. Have a nice NYE everyone!
Here's my post about Christmas, before it's NYE! I didn't do anything in particular expect going for dinners. Can't really think of something else to do that might be more special for Christmas, except maybe spending it overseas or somewhere unusual (and also highly inconvenient) like on the beach.

Really pretty Christmas tree! I like that the overarching theme seems to be pink :D Anyway, this is MY Christmas tree. Yes, in my house. Look, behind the Christmas tree? That's the verandah opening out onto my garden, in which I naturally have an Olympic-sized pool and the mandatory koi pond. WHY I CANNOT HAVE GLITTERY PINK REINDEER IN MY HOUSE?
Okay fine that's the Christmas tree at the Visitor's Centre at the Botanic Gardens. I like it!

Pathetic attempts at getting some kind of light effect thingy (I'd love to be able to do bokeh). I swear for my next camera I will at least get and master a semi-pro. But my current one is so new anyway.
For the record; because I get asked this all the time: my camera is a Sony Cybershot, DSC-WX1. It is a normal digital camera. I have memorised its full name due to repeatedly having to answer this question.
On the 23rd, Alaric and I went to town for some last minute Christmas shopping (his, since I didn't buy ANYONE anything). After that we went to his friend's house for Christmas dinner!

I bought the silver bracelet (left arm) at Far East Plaza because I felt they look like silver Christmas tree baubles!

Floral denim shorts from Twist Polka! I think they're cute!

Alaric's shirt is Christmas-themed! It's supposed to look like a candy cane.

Alaric's friend's new Chow-Chow! Haha super cute; it's wearing a diaper. Its name is Lei-Lei I think? Lei is supposed to be Chinese dialect for Chow!

LOL at its face! Reaching for a scrap of turkey haha.

Looks like a little bear!

Played mahjong again that night! Had damn bad Feng Shui in my second game, grr. Luckily Alaric won enough at poker to cover my losses at mahjong hahaha.
On Christmas Eve (read, 24th) had dinner at Alaric's. His mom had a gold/silver theme so I re-wore my SAJC prom dress... (black with lots of gold specks) Watched a movie after that.
On the 25th (Christmas Day itself), went to buy groceries to make pasta for potluck dinner at night! Potlucks in my group are usually quite fail... no one really bothers cooking. I made tonsssss of pasta!

My pasta and Darrell's shepherd's pie.

More turkey (ate turkey 3 days in a row, ugh) and Sarah's salmon salad.

Enraptured by bad singing. Haha I can't play guitar/drums/bass on Guitar/Band Hero for nuts, but I'm damn good at singing! Okay lah, singing is honestly super easy. You can just make grunts into the mike and you'll still get the score.
But I can hit like 100% correct notes when playing on Hard ^^
Brought my ginormous tray of pasta home (I've been eating it for a few days straight and it's only half gone) and went to Zouk to meet Alaric's friends! My friends thought I had brought my pasta there...
Can't imagine how the baggage counter girl would react if I tried to leave my pasta with her.
Was telling Alaric how it would be quite amusing if someone left a stronger-smelling food (like you know how if you buy food back, your car smells of it) with the bag counter, and at the end of the night all the Chanels, Balenciagas, Ferragamos and what not, all smell of it.

I know this looks more like decoration in a Haunted House but it's actually the chandelier in Zouk main, with little snowflakes hanging off it.

There was a guest dj that night so it was pretty crowded!
The Zouk valet carpark was actually completely FULL, so I had to park at the HDB opposite. Walked out to check the HDB signboard on whether or not I needed to put coupons and a police car pulled up beside us. The officers got out and asked to check our ICs -_- our local police force got so bohliao or what.
Anyway they called back to wherever with our IC numbers, and obviously found nothing. Squeaky clean citizens.

My Christmas Day dress is from Six & Twelve! They have it available in tulle on white cloth too.

Like I said, I didn't buy anyone anything for Christmas (besides one mandatory gift exchange for Qiuting's Adonis Lunch). I told Alaric not to buy me anything since I wasn't buying him anything, so he bought me a whole bunch of soft toys for fun, and a Christmas sock to put them in.
Didn't even self-gift myself unless you count the $150 I spent at Topshop, which is a first for me, and consisted of 4 items (all of which were on sale).
I gave up on New Year Resolutions a long time ago. I remember seeing this girl (whom I do not know) having a New Year's resolution of... getting a certain pair of branded shoes. I just checked up the meaning of resolution, and I guess aiming to buy something fits, but it was just so -_-
Like, aren't New Year Resolutions supposed to be about self-improvement and all that jazz? Thought almost every (Singaporean) teenager wishes for stuff like, Being more conscientious in school (well, I did). Stuff that never happens. So why bother?
All I wish for 2011... okay now that I think about it there's a ton of stuff I'd wish for. But the first thing that came to mind is, Making and Saving more Money. That's all. No year to me was ever entirely pleasant enough for me to enjoy doing a, "200x/201x in a nutshell" type of blogpost. Have a nice NYE everyone!