Milly (the nail salon that sponsors many bloggers) was receiving a young entrepreneur award at MBS so she invited us to be her guests for the night! She was one of the youngest of all the winners :O
Anyway I brought out my new camera (Panasonic Lumix G3) so that Yutakis can teach me how to use it haha #meganoob.
Test pictures all done on Qiuting haha:

Here's her eating halfway.

Woah woah... I take close-up-pictures-of-sordidly-uninteresting-items! Means... #mustbeapro. LOL.

Please look at the artistry of capturing condensation on the glass.

Ceiling lights.

Milly getting her award in her gown with the long train! And an old man with his horrid balding head spoiling the shot :(

Milly's award! IT IS FREAKING HEAVY.

Yutakis, always camera-ready.

Milly and Kaykay!

My 5-inch JC Litas! Thankfully both Yutakis and Eric are really tall. You can barely even tell I'm wearing heels if I stand beside Yutakis.

The clutch I used that night. It's nice but... clutches are really freaking troublesome and inconvenient.

Now that I'm a photographer... haha I kid.

Rotted a while at the hotel room Milly had booked!

And here's a group picture taken from Eric's blog!
Oh if you're ever intending to go down to MBS during peak hour... please take public transport. The jam was SO bad. I literally took 40mins to crawl down the short stretch in front of the MBS hotels ALONE. I saw people getting out of cabs and deciding to walk the rest of the way in. Sadly I drove that day so I had to inch my way to the carpark where it's compulsory valet (not that I wanted to spend anymore time in the car omg).
P.S. I don't know what's wrong with my brain. Recently I keep typing/writing the wrong words despite thinking of the right one. They're not misspellings or inversions, just... different words. Nice = night, books = boobs, way = why. They start with the same letter and are roughly the same length, but that's it. This isn't dyslexia right?! And I never had problems before.
OMG WIKI SAYS: "Additionally, dyslexic people often substitute similar-looking, but unrelated, words in place of the ones intended (what/want, say/saw, help/held, run/fun, fell/fall, to/too, who/how etc.)"
But... I realise my mistake when I read through it! Aren't dyslexics unable to recognise that they mixed up a word? Or does it seem correct to them? And isn't it a lifelong issue, just discovered at different ages? *panic*
Anyway I brought out my new camera (Panasonic Lumix G3) so that Yutakis can teach me how to use it haha #meganoob.
Test pictures all done on Qiuting haha:

Here's her eating halfway.

Woah woah... I take close-up-pictures-of-sordidly-uninteresting-items! Means... #mustbeapro. LOL.

Please look at the artistry of capturing condensation on the glass.

Ceiling lights.

Milly getting her award in her gown with the long train! And an old man with his horrid balding head spoiling the shot :(

Milly's award! IT IS FREAKING HEAVY.

Yutakis, always camera-ready.

Milly and Kaykay!

My 5-inch JC Litas! Thankfully both Yutakis and Eric are really tall. You can barely even tell I'm wearing heels if I stand beside Yutakis.

The clutch I used that night. It's nice but... clutches are really freaking troublesome and inconvenient.

Now that I'm a photographer... haha I kid.

Rotted a while at the hotel room Milly had booked!

And here's a group picture taken from Eric's blog!
Oh if you're ever intending to go down to MBS during peak hour... please take public transport. The jam was SO bad. I literally took 40mins to crawl down the short stretch in front of the MBS hotels ALONE. I saw people getting out of cabs and deciding to walk the rest of the way in. Sadly I drove that day so I had to inch my way to the carpark where it's compulsory valet (not that I wanted to spend anymore time in the car omg).
P.S. I don't know what's wrong with my brain. Recently I keep typing/writing the wrong words despite thinking of the right one. They're not misspellings or inversions, just... different words. Nice = night, books = boobs, way = why. They start with the same letter and are roughly the same length, but that's it. This isn't dyslexia right?! And I never had problems before.
OMG WIKI SAYS: "Additionally, dyslexic people often substitute similar-looking, but unrelated, words in place of the ones intended (what/want, say/saw, help/held, run/fun, fell/fall, to/too, who/how etc.)"
But... I realise my mistake when I read through it! Aren't dyslexics unable to recognise that they mixed up a word? Or does it seem correct to them? And isn't it a lifelong issue, just discovered at different ages? *panic*