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Blue is there?

Monday, January 03, 2011
Was actually talking or something here. (Most likely telling Alaric how to take the photo, because he never gets it quite exactly like how I want it haha. Boys!)

Ate at Ion's Ginza Bairin. I ordered my usual Katsu Curry Rice (Chicken). I love Japanese curry! The one they sell at the NUS FASS canteen is really good. I remembered Ginza's one to be better last time though. It didn't seem that nice to me this time.

I've never really liked Miso soup much. Whenever the FASS Japanese stall aunty tries to ply me with it I always say no.

Alaric looks quite cute with glasses no? :D

Went to Ion's DAISO after dinner (which caused us to miss a car ride offered by my friend Gus, hence why I am in the bus here)! I always find it funny how whenever you bring a guy to Daiso and they're like, "How much is this?" and you go like "WTF. Everything here is $2!" Guys are such noobs at good deals sometimes! They never know shopping tips and secrets.

Bought these bunny ears, along with a few other things! I told Alaric I end up buying lots of stupid things at Daiso, but he didn't believe me till I kept picking up items without hesitation.
Wearing a blue flower in my hair, given to me by Qiuting cause she knows I don't have a blue one!



Super cute bunny eraser (part of a set of 6; told Alaric to buy it for his sister because I know she'll like it - as long as I get the bunny) from Daiso!

SERIES OF CAMWHORE SHOTS COMING UP. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Anyway I was at Junction 8's Cotton On store the other day and bought 4 pairs of sunglasses because they were on sale! I think I have at least 10 pairs in total now... I don't even go into the sun much.

1) $5 I think?

2) Crap lor this was $5 as well. They didn't print the price tag clearly so I thought it was $3. I know it's only $2 difference but I wouldn't have bought it if I had known it was $5!

3) $5 too!

4) This was the cheapest! Like either $2/$3! It has a studded top rim.

And I managed to come up with 4 different shots for sunglasses. Wawawee to me.

Ted Baker bangles I got for Christmas! You can't see it here but the words say:
White - Jangle your bangles, Ted Baker
Black - Arm candy, Ted Baker

Ok nothing at all to showcase here. Except maybe me wearing lipgloss for once (I don't like the sticky feeling of it), which was only for Photobooth-ing. Lipgloss from MAC, Dazzleglass and Lipglass (I'm wearing 2). I got them from New Face finals. I have some spares which I'll probably be selling off cheap (:

And the big Stitch that Alaric got for me from those grab-grab claw machines at arcades! My mom thinks it's really ugly haha. She wanted me to pass it to her to be used as a scarecrow to chase away monkeys -_- lots of areas in Singapore still have monkeys wreaking havoc.

Anyway this Stitch (he caught another one) is really soft and nice to hug! It's overtaken the place of my bear and ragdoll (who is so worn out - planning to take out the stuffing and make my own stuffed toy).

Was pretty lonely this weekend (those following me on Twitter might have been bored to death by the result) because both my mom and Alaric were in Malacca (separately lah hahahahahahahaaaaaa.... but they did bump into each other!) while most of my friends were on holiday in Taiwan. I was really effectively left with only 3 of my usual friends, one of whom is still in NS, while the other has a girlfriend. Ok I sound really friendless haha.

So... I slept a lot and rotted a lot. I didn't even do anything productive. I watched 4 movies in total on TV, 2 of which were horridly and pathetically bad (Scott Pilgrim vs The World and Epic Movie) and the other 2 I had both seen at least 2 times each (Aladdin and Shawshank Redemption).
So yeah. 4 movies x 1.5 hours at least = a lot of time spent doing nothing. Then again I used to do this all the time back in the pre-Alevels era. I must have watched a 100 Extreme Makeover episodes. It's the only thing on Channel 5 after midnight.

Used my mom's car very minimally, but it still cost me $72 in total -> $56 for half a tank of petrol, $10 for Zouk valet (2 nights) and $6 for a car wash. Bloody hell. Taking a cab everywhere would have been cheaper.

Going to Genting from the 5th to 7th January with Alaric! Wanted to go for a beach holiday, but Langkawi/Tioman packages, hotels, coaches etc were all fully booked (began researching this only after Christmas). Never mind, I'm still excited to go for the theme park rides!
11 comments on "Blue is there?"
  1. Genting highlands is way too low class for u

  2. i wld have brought u to bali.

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    how much are those bangles and your chanel ear studs, pretty?

  4. Anonymous11:34 PM

    You look like you have a moustache in all your pictures.

  5. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Not all the pictures lah, only the close-up shots.

  6. Anonymous: The bangles are $56 each I think? The ear studs are around $200 (:

    Anonymous: Orh. You want a prize?

  7. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Oppa: Since you are an incredibly annoying loser, and most likely ugly with no friends+life since you have nothing better to do than stalk people, then you need to up your offer. Bali is nothing pls. Go all out and be full of shit as usual, and say the Maldives.

  8. i mean seriously genting highlands? Sophie isn't 9 you know. what is she going to do there? only people who want to gamble, wld go to genting, and Sophie isn't tt sort

  9. and omg, is Sophie going to take the 4hr long coach to genting? cannot imagine.

  10. can you don't go genting with alaric choo? i don't feel safe.

  11. Anonymous8:27 AM

    OPPA: seriously. nobody cares how you feel. Just leave Sophie alone for goodness sake. Can't you tell she's ignoring you?
