Jeannie's birthday dinner at Brotzeit at Cityhall, the sausages were really very ordinary. I mean honestly the bloody potatoes impressed me more than the sausages did.

She was opening bottles at Supperclub where all the rest (Diana etc) would be going but with 2 papers on Monday I really needed to study so I didn't go ):
Headed down to school instead (yes on a Saturday night), luckily I was driving! Took me ages though, because I passed through the Suntec area which was so jammed due to the opening of the new Marina Bay bridge. (Seriously, isn't a bridge just a bridge? Seen one seen 'em all? Or at least go when the hype has died down?)
Ching Ming, a.k.a ancestor worship. Going down to the columbarium, offering joss sticks etc?
Quite a lot of family members came this year!
Haha what my mom called the "smoking area".
Time to offer wine to GongGong!
I was actually wearing a cardigan at first but it was so hot. IKR, I go every year but I never seem to learn haha.
So many lame jokes by my cousins when we were burning the paper money and paper clothes/cigarettes etc about there being Hellbook and emails from
Picnic chair all...
Wanted to capture something that never really came to fruition. Direction dustbin. There really was way too much Dashboard Confessionals on it anyway.
HAHAHAHAHA I literally laughed out loud (lol) at this. SO APT. NEXT TWILIGHT CRAP (3rd installment) COMING OUT IN JULY.
2 papers down today!
Had Principles of Communications at 9am and Leisure, Recreation & Tourism at 1pm.
Erika and Rebecca got a ride from me because I was going to take a cab down, which basically meant that instead of one person (me) running to the exam hall late, there were 3 of us. Reached 15 minutes after the paper had begun, but it was MCQ anyway and everyone finished at least 30minutes ahead of time.
Ugh peak hour traffic was so bad, plus cabfare cost me $22 - what the hell?!
Next paper's Government & Politics of Singapore on Wednesday, followed by Sociology on Thursday and finally Communications & New Media on Friday. Intense! But woohoo done with exams really quickly!
Alright my holiday ideas currently consist of knowingly making elaborate and ambitious plans that I know will not even remotely see the light of day once exams end and I enter a pathetic but mildly fulfilling cycle of rotting my days away. Till that happens, I hope to finally put up my wall decals, finish decorating my mirror, clear my desk so that I can actually sit at it, sell off my clothes and complete those half-read books.
But if the alternative is L4D2, all the above becomes secondary.