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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sophie: I'm at Butter Factory at Robertson Quay
Mother: Okay bring me back 2 bricks of butter

?! haha seriously......

So Kimberly and I put on our cheerleading skirts cause the theme was Superhero and Villains and Kimberly got the bright idea that our cheer skirts look vaguely superhero-ish. Needless to say, epic fail. People were just like "picture of the 2 cheerleaders please!"

At least I wore my Superman ring! AND DID ANYONE NOTICE, Bella Swan in Twilight wore the exact same F21 wooden bracelet as I am in this photo in the bedroom scene when she and Edward kissed! Haha that was mildly amusing.

Oh yeah, I tied my hair in pigtails.

Eventually I got bored of my Santa hat and threw it into the crowd.

Haha okay this looks mildly wrong..

What a boring Christmas Eve. I woke up at 5pm from a horrifying nightmare! In it I saw a little girl get butchered by a woman with an axe (like for the first blow the women swung the axe at her face...) and no one knew who the next victim was going to be and there was no time to escape. So terrified, I didn't dare go back to sleep in case I re-entered my nightmare.

SHEESH my mom is sleeping and I have no food, like not even rice. I MAY END UP EATING MAGGI FOR CHRISTMAS EVE. And it's raining.
This is my first Christmas in Singapore since 2000! For the past like 7 years I've been spending Christmas in France where it's very traditional, with the rushing down to open presents on Christmas morning, log cakes and Christmas songs and etc.

Feels like a normal day here brrrr and does no one wish Merry Christmas on the day itself anymore? Like wishes have been coming in from Monday already haha.
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