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Kangaroo in Town

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Alaric's friend from Australia came to Singapore last weekend for a visit! Guess how they met? Via... Starcraft 2. They're in the same Starcraft 2 team lol.

The whole weekend was spent talking about how Adam (the Australian friend) can take out various people (anyone we saw/came into the conversation really) because the reason why he even came to Singapore is because he was nearby in Thailand... for a month-long Muay Thai training camp haha.

That weekend I had my friends' birthdays so we brought Adam along! So basically all he saw of Singapore was er... Starcraft 2 (you think they didn't get in some many hours of games?), Orchard, Zouk and Newton Food Centre.

So that's Alaric with Adam!

This was at 1-Altitude which is a rooftop bar at 1 Raffles Place. Gorgeous view! You have to take the lift to the 62nd floor, then change to another lift to get to the bar itself. Poor Adam coincidentally also had a mild fear of heights.



Quite surprised. Is it seriously the WORLD'S highest alfresco bar?!


Haha we could even spot Zouk, which was our next destination!

Bought Adam drinksssss.... This is called an Extreme Titillation.

One shot glass is filled with the liquor, which is set on fire. The other shot glass is filled with something to counter it, like coconut milk I think?




It was 2 of my friends' combined birthday celebrations that day, and together they bought a total of 11 BOTTLES (1-Altitude + Zouk). Madness! :o





I wanted to bring Adam to see more of Singapore the next day before his night flight, but they decided to play Starcraft 2 instead! I really wanted Adam to try chili crab (and because I also wanted to eat chili crab lah hahaha).

So anyway his flight back to Thailand (back to his Muay Thai camp haha) on Jetstar was meant to be at 8pm so we got to the airport at 6+pm.
But then... the Departure board showed his flight to be at 10pm. Jetstar delayed a flight by a whopping 2hours! BUT YAY CHILI CRAB TIME.

Went down to East Coast Park:

Ordered mantou (the bread buns) too!


In very deep concentration. Anyway of course I used my hands to eat eventually! It's seriously impossible to eat crab properly within needing your fingers to get out the small morsels of meat.

School starts again in 2 weeks! *cry* I have to go to NUS tomorrow to take a Placement Test to determine what level of French I should enter at (obviously I can't start at Level 1).

I actually took the test previously with Alaric and I naturally didn't put in 100% effort for the test but... I was still placed in Level 5 (a Year 4 Honours module) and him.. Level 2 hahaha.

Anyway the Level 5 module clashed with my timetable so I couldn't take it ): Now I have to take the test again zzz. Hope I get placed into the same level since it's offered only alternate semesters.

Alaric and I have also started on a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle! So excited to continue it!
8 comments on "Kangaroo in Town"
  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    everyone's gonna say this but that guy is freaking hot

  2. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Totally agree anon.

  3. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Hun, think your boy needs a new hairstyle? The side flick isn't doing him any justice

  4. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Hi, have you heard about the petition against torturing bears in asia for extracting their bile from their bladder alive??
    Hope you can post something up here, encourage your readers to sign the petition! Thanks!

    Story here:

  5. Anonymous: HAHAHA

    Anonymous: Haha he just needs to cut his hair. I don't really think he can do any other hairstyle! Any suggestions?

    Anonymous: Hey dear I was the one that tweeted the story + petition and put it on my FB and on SPCA's page. Frankly I don't know if petitions will really do much ):

  6. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Hi Sophie! I love your blog! Just created one myself. I especially love the mention of my boy Adam! He had a wondeful time and spoke so highly of you and Alaric. Hopefully we meet one day.
    Until then I look forward to your creative and entertaining blogs,
    Ash xxx

  7. Hi Ash! Haha aren't you glad people have been saying Adam is hot? :D

  8. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Hahaha it was funny and he LOVES this attention he's getting. Was a boost to his ego- not that he needed it though :S Lol
