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Chinese New Year

Monday, February 14, 2011
Contrary to popular belief... I celebrate Chinese New Year. I am HALF Chinese after all, and my mom's the youngest of a brood of 7 children so... it can pretty much cover the lack of the other half of my heritage!

Reunion Dinner:
Bigass photo of me looking amiable :D to start this post!
This is also me with pink lipgloss (MAC Dazzleglass) which is pretty useful in adding colour to my face, but I get annoyed with the stickiness of lipglosses... Plus it's not as if you don't just end up eating all of it 5 minutes into a meal.

Fringe up because I didn't wash my hair. What's new! Omg my forehead is so massive I think you can write like 20 Bible verses on it.

Khaki toga dress for reunion dinner!

Dark hair roots growing out ):

My newest nephew! So cute chubby cheeks.

Anyway for reunion dinner my mom and I spend it with my oldest uncle (and his family, so that means two of my cousins) and my grandmother. My two cousins have 2 dogs each so this meant there were 4 dogs at reunion dinner! Furry party.


It's a mongrel but look! It's still so good-looking! But it's quite unfriendly to strangers ): it was rescued from a temple so we figure it might have been mistreated.

My mom asked me to pretend to be a car model with my cousin's new car... Ok I have no idea what car models do haha I'm pretty sure I can't put my foot on the car actually.


More dogs.

Chubby cheeks!

Another dog. Super stoned haha.

Fourth dog! This one is named Four; named so because it was rescued from a puppy mill in April and is estimated to be 4 years old. But everyone thinks it would have been a lot smarter to have named it April instead of Four hahaha.

Crazily friendly and enthusiastic despite having been mistreated previously. Dogs really have such big hearts )':


Haha my nephew's a blur of lightning speed.



Hahaha all the kaypoh dogs.

Chinese New Year Day 1:
Cute, but doesn't smile much sadly!

Haha dancing to Sesame Street.

The main reason people take pictures of kids and dogs is because 1) they're a lot cuter than the adults obviously and 2) they won't judge you haha.

Was wearing pupil enlarger contact lens that day (in grey)! I couldn't care less about making my pupils bigger but I got like 8 months worth of coloured contact lens (in my degree) from a shoot I did (for an optical shop) so I figured I'd just use some. Will blog about the shoot soon!

Anyway I don't really like coloured lenses ): I have astigmatism too and coloured lenses only help your myopia so it ends up quite blurry for me ): Like I have problems seeing road signs and stuff.
LOL would anyone happen to have 575 degrees myopia and want coloured lenses?


Angbaos! I don't collect a lot of money, but it's alright considering I only have half the "stock" of relatives to collect from haha. Anyway the lowest angbao I've ever gotten is... 2 Ringgit. Which translates to like S$0.80 hahahaha.
And that's the nail polish colour from Rubi. The colour is actually quite nice in real life but the consistency sucks.

Chinese New Year Day 2
My mom had an open house for her friends at our place. Best place to be cause obviously everyone there is (old)(hahaha) and I'm the only one eligible to receive angbaos! :D But okay kidding I left pretty early to go to Alaric's friend's house for steamboat!

Chow chow! It's called Lei Lei cause apparently Lei is dialect for Chow (don't ask me which dialect).

Here the grey colour of my lenses are pretty obvious!

Haha so cute and furry! This is Lei Lei at like, 5 months old. It's so big already!

Chinese New Year Day 3
Went to my cousin's house for dinner then another one of Alaric's friend's houses. Haha his friends seem quite enthusiastic about these gatherings.


Pretty cat I saw at the lift lobby! I couldn't capture her beautiful blue eyes ): I hope she wasn't a lost cat cause she's definitely not a stray one.

Chinese New Year was quite uneventful this year. Every year the gatherings seem to get smaller and smaller. There isn't even gambling in my family anymore; everyone just sits around and gossips.
I remember when I was 9 the adults (there are no kids my age in my family) would let me play Blackjack with them although I bet with... peanuts or something hahaha.

Half my family thinks I'm still taking O/A-Levels and the other half thinks I'm working already... Little nephews and nieces are growing up fast. Creepy...

This post has way more photos of animals than anything else haha. Happy Valentine's Day/Friendship Day (whoever thought of this first didn't have a date) everyone!
6 comments on "Chinese New Year"
  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    why u always dont wash your hair? isnt it disgusting? alaric can stand it?

  2. Hello Sophie!

    I have a 525 (left) and 575 (right) myopia and would like to have the coloured contact lenses! :)

    Actually I have astigmatism too, but I'm wearing brown lenses. I have spectacles specially for astigmatism that I can put on when I go for lectures, haha!

    Okay, have a great week ahead and hear from you soon! :D


  3. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Your forehead is NOT high! I think it suits your face shape.
    As a person with a high forehead I'm offended lol.

  4. Anonymous: Wahlao it's really not that big a deal... It's not like I don't wash for a week or something.

    Daphne: Emailed you! (:

    Anonymous: Haha I think a high forehead is ok, but the problem with mine is that the sides go up pretty high if you get what I mean :/

  5. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Yeah I get what you mean! I think yours looks just fine, I would never think "oh now THAT's a high forehead!!" looking at your photos, but maybe Asians have different standards on that? I'm judging by European standards :)

  6. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Omg!!!! I have 575 for both eyes too!! Haha hi-five!!!
