I am so insanely tired right now. Yesterday I did a hair show that saw me at Tangs at 8am for rehearsals (more on that another time) with the show itself ending close to 10pm, and was up at 7+am again today for 5 hours of dance, followed by 4 hours of rehearsals/fitting for the NUS pageant.
It's Saturday and only 9pm, but I'm struggling to stay awake. I haven't blogged in a bit though and just saw the pageant photos on Facebook. So yeah anyway, I'm representing my faculty (Arts & Social Sciences) in the NUS pageant against the other faculties (Medicine, Law, Science blah blah). Finals are on 30th Jan at the F1 Pit Building.
By the way, I did NOT compete in my faculty's pageant so I'm not actually the Arts Queen. That title belongs to Rina Raj (:

Yawn I took the few photos off Facebook that didn't make me look as tired/retarded. Why didn't they just Photoshop off the eyebagssssss haha.
I like the hair flying though, so kewlzxz.
Rest of the photos and my 200-word self description (-_- I know) are up here on Facebook. You guys can join the group if you like, but it doesn't count for anything other than making me feel better!
There is a voting thingamajig on funkygrad.com but as usual it requires some troublesome signing up for an account just to vote (I would know cause I signed up for one to vote for Brandon in his NUS Business pageantttttt). So I won't ask people to vote, except if you happen to already have an account; then it'd be nice if you did (:
Here: NUSSU Bash Pageant 2010
P.S. Gonna buy a new camera soon! After some intensive unscrewing and rescrewing by Rudy, my current Sony works most of the time, although it still requires pressing down hard on the cover just to get to Shooting mode hahaha. And it's still doing the weird vibrating thing so the autofocus or whatever is totally haywire.
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