Hello everyone, it's 2010. How was your NYE?
This year I'll hit the big 2-0 (it's big to me). I WANNA BE FOREVER YOUNG.
Never really bothered with New Year resolutions because most tend to be generic crap like Study More, a.k.a stuff we never carry through with.
The only thing I can think of right now is to Clean My Hamster's Cage More Often (not that she seems to mind).
My countdown was spent running up the stairs shouting "What floor?! WHAT FLOOR?!" into the phone as the strains of Happy New Year! echoed around us.
Anyway, went to Zouk on Wednesday; mad packed. I brought my camera, but forgot to put the battery back in after charging it -_- No wonder it was so light.
Pictures from Facebookkkkk:


Some weird elbow fat folding there...

My bow! So kyooottt.

I have dance tomorrow morning (yeah that thing before lunch). Sob. Speaking of lunch, I need to go grocery shopping because I'm running out of maggi.
P.S. Diva is having a sale.
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