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The Tiramisu Hero

Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Went with Yutaki for the launch of Peggy's (a.k.a sixpegs) new cafe, The Tiramisu Hero!

Peggy started out selling her tiramisu from home & has now set up her own cafe with Aileen!
They serve food other than tiramisu of course! Their menu also features savoury items such as Macaroni & Cheese, as well as other desserts.

The Tiramisu Hero
(@thetiramisuhero on Instagram)

121 Tyrwhitt Road

In case you're lazy to Google, the cafe is located opposite Jalan Besar Stadium :)

One key feature of their tiramisu (other than taste!) is that they come in these little jars!
They have tiramisu in many other sizes & packaging as well of course!

Layers & layers of tiramisu goodness!
If you order tiramisu (not off-the-counter), you can customise things like alcohol level & sweetness!

They also have various flavours like Milo & Strawberry (if I recall correctly)!

With Yutaki in the toilet! Check out the cute moustache decal on the mirror!
The mascot of The Tiramisu Hero is Sir Antonio, a cute cat with a moustache!
(you'll see him later)

Haha it was super hard to get the right placement for the moustache over my face in the photo.

Check out the ceiling pompoms! 
Overall the amount of effort for decor in the cafe is really impressive!

No visit to The Tiramisu Hero is complete without a photo as Sir Antonio!

I love how they had this big head of Sir Antonio made & mounted on the wall!
Everybody took pictures with it!

(It's a tad bit too low for me to stand up fully haha)

Sir Antonio says Ze Tiramisu iz le very good!
(Actually I don't know what nationality he's meant to be lol. I think Italian maybe haha).

And... random picture taken in Ion's toilets.

On Saturday I spent the whole day watching 16 episodes of How I Met Your Mother.
I know. My life is exciting.
Ok toodles.
5 comments on "The Tiramisu Hero"
  1. The interior decor of the place is very nice! So pristine and modern-looking. I would visit Singapore just to go there.

  2. Their mascot is so cute! -Hanna Marie

  3. Your outfit is so pretty (as always). And whoaa that tiramisu looks good. Do you think they'd open branches overseas?

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    hi sophie, i thought peggy wants to keep the location of the cafe under wraps for now until they get more settled? she said so on her latest blog posting.

  5. Bwahahaha, those pictures with the Sr Antonio head is hilarious. XD
