Here's the first full post for our 3D2N Phuket trip kindly hosted by
Andara Resort! :)
Think I look weird but Alaric has such a come-hither/I'm-a-Casanova look here!
The flight took around 1 to 2 hours (Phuket is 1 hour behind Singapore) & the Andara staff kindly came to pick up all of us at the airport! That's with the exception of Cheesie (Malaysian blogger), who came in on a flight later than us so they sent a third bus back to the airport for her!
Below is a group photo so as to introduce everyone! :D

L-R: Binbin, Bryan, Shuyin, Gillian, Alaric, me, Eekean, Wendy, Mike, Qiuting, Cheesie, Huiwen
There were 4 of us bloggers there:
Qiuting & of course
Wendy (Xiaxue), who got this whole Andara Resort arrangement in the first place! And last one is me lah #shy.
Some background info on the rest so you understand what the random mix of 12 of us are!
Shuyin is Wendy's BFF, so she brought her sister (
Binbin, her nickname) along!
Gillian is the owner of
Clicknetworktv &
Bryan is her husband.
Alaric - gamer extraordinaire (LOL) & my boyfriend.
Eekean is Wendy's friend from secondary school & a lawyer (she brought her work O.O).
Huiwen is the Nuffnang's country blog manager for Singapore!
Mike is Wendy's husband lah.
Then there's me, Qiuting, Cheesie & Wendy, so that makes a total of 12!
We got 2 pool suites so our group was split into 6 & 6!
One suite was a penthouse one, the other a ground floor one.
Huiwen, Alaric, Cheesie, Eekean, Qiuting & I got the ground floor unit! Huiwen & I were terribly enthusiastic about calling ourselves the
"Ground floor Team" (sounds horrid I know) haha.
I was even designated house bunny -_- Like in those college sorority houses!

This is Huiwen!
The Andara staff greeted us all with flower garlands!

Cold towels (which they gave to us on the bus as well) & refreshments!
Took pictures while waiting for the other bus of people to arrive! We reached earlier because they had stopped along the way to buy food to cook (suite has a kitchen) for the rest of us :D
Shower on the left & toilet on the right.
This is our living room & behind is the balcony where our private pool is!
The big kitchen! :D
Huiwen & Eekean checking out the fridge.
(which has an in-built ice-making machine yay)
Judging by who's checking out the living room & who's checking out the kitchen you can more or less figure out our respective roles as housemates hor.
Called a buggy to fetch us over to Wendy's penthouse suite!
Their suite is the same as ours except that they have a rooftop pool!
The other girls making food! Shuyin, her sister & Wendy all can cook! Can't remember about Huiwen. Eekean got chased out of the kitchen not long after.
Qiuting & I were tasked with fruit-washing/peeling #domesticwifefail.
We all had a good supper & then played Cranium!
My team won both times, so technically Wendy's team still owe us their 2 forfeits!
( ̄^ ̄)
Woke up for buffet breakfast at the hotel's restaurant!
(called Silk Restaurant, which offers fine-dining Thai cuisine)
My entire house overslept because we were so tired!
Ok here's our balcony in daylight!
Fogging on my camera lens caused this!
By the way I'm the kind that's very anal about turning off the lights & aircon in hotel rooms if no one's there. LOL I kept annoying my housemates by turning off stuff all the time!
That's the Silk Restaurant, which overlooks Andara's big common pool & has the view of the sea!
After breakfast, the Andara staff drove us over to Kamala Beach, where their beach lounge is!
Kamala Beach is very nearby but you can ask them to send you anywhere. LOL for us go from one suite to another also call buggy one.
Qiuting, Cheesie & Huiwen!
The rooms have blowdryers of course, but I've never really bothered to fully blow dry my hair because it takes ages. I normally just let it dry naturally (except my fringe) & if I tie it up when it's wet it'll still be damp like 12 hours later O.O not even kidding.
At the Andara Beach lounge, which has lots of nice daybeds, showers & also a bar!
*whips out phone*
Refreshments that they gave us! I think it was a peach slushie.
Alaric & Mike discussing guy-stuff over beer.
Everyone was on their phone!
Holidays are getaways & etc yes, but I still want to be able to read tweets & play Draw Something!
(I kid, I'm bored of that game, but iTouch games in general are still applicable).
5 of them (Huiwen, Gillian, Bryan, Mike & Alaric) went on the banana boat ride!
I think it cost approx S$20/person, but it depends how many people you have to share the cost.
I wanted to go on it too but Gillian said Bryan DEFINITELY will make us all capsize so I wasn't too keen on that (although Bryan said he wouldn't, but Gillian said he's lying & definitely will)!
And luckily I didn't... they capsized as soon as the boat started HAHAHAHA #fail
In total they capsized 5 times!
Ok gonna end this post off with lots of photos of me lounging on the daybed!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
HAHA at Eekean in the background!
She "borrowed" this spade from a little girl (ok it's Andara's toys for the kids lah), which made the girl cry because all kids develop a mega sense of entitlement to anything they have for more than 2 seconds.
Then Eekean just walked around the whole time holding the spade hahaha.
Phuket beach trip for you?
Andara is running a STAY MORE, SAVE MORE promotion which will allow you to get a 25% - 30% discount off normal prices! Their suites are really awesome for group/family holidays, or even company events! The staff are all very helpful & they have so many services (even a hair salon) to make your stay pleasant & convenient! :D
Click HERE for Andara's current promotion!