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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Did a blogshop shoot for LadyHaute the other day so here are some photos from it!

This is an ASOS-inspired piece & I got to keep one!



I also got a pair of grey shorts from them which are really comfy! LadyHaute was actually around quite a long time ago but the owner stopped & then decided to re-launch it properly again; she's super nice so you're in good hands!

Random outfit pic.

Random top taken from my mom's closet haha.
Shorts - online (shop is now closed). Bracelets - H&M.

These shorts are actually DIY-ripped by the girl anyway (obviously I paid her to do it!) so that means anyone can do it really! One of my all-time favourite shorts is cut from old jeans.

Never knew that there is a Singapore Chinese Opera Museum haha.
And... "museum" is one of the few specific words I always have problems spelling.
I misspelt it both times above. Thank goodness for auto-correct.

Sultan Mosque near Arab Street. I didn't go in because females have to wear this robe thing to cover up.

We had to do a few short interviews for our Soci of Religion project so that's how I found out that Muslims have to tithe 25% of their earnings! For Christianity it's 10%. According to my Hindu friend, there is no stipulated amount in Hinduism.

LOL so now you know which religion to pick.



Headed over to the Perumal Temple (Hindu) at Serangoon Road after that, passing through Little India.

I'm stunned to see this many people in a single place & this was basically the sight everywhere. So that makes A LOT of people in Little India alone! Machiam music festival hahaha. Almost as crowded.

Me: "I went to a Hindu temple"
Friend: "You mean like a mosque?"

General knowledge fail. (Social Studies)/(Moral Education)/(Misc 30 minute timeslots teachers hate because they can't cover schoolwork) fail.

Will update soon! 
I have been incredibly busy catching up on gossip & stalking for the one week I was away. 
Life is hard. Bye!
6 comments on "LadyHaute"
  1. Your legs can go on forever!!

  2. aww. actually, it's not 25%. it's 2.5% of the earnings. :)

    great photos thou.

    love your blog.

  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    It's 2.5%, not 25%.

  4. O.O our Malay interviewee said 25% hahaahhaa ok Alaric die liao. His topic.

  5. Anonymous4:28 PM

    where are the shoes from!?

  6. Anonymous: Far East Plaza, level 2. Just come up the escalator & take the alley on the right, it's a shoe shop at the corner further down.
