Cake and sparklers at my door just before midnight.
Your hands were shaking as you held the cake.
18th birthday morning started in tears. Woke up late and my mom started scolding me in the car about him stopping over last night, "setting my priorities" etc etc etc.
"Why're you always SMS-ing?!!"
"Umm I'm just replying birthday messages."
Pregnant pause.
"You mean today's your birthday?"
FUCK THANKS do you know how hurtful that is?
But aside from that this is my best birthday ever. I'm so touched by all the effort my friends put in to make this extra special for me.
I opened Gracia's card and started crying as I read the message. Best expression of thanks I could probably ever give.

Birthday Tiara!
Tiara and balloon, thanks Shaun!
Gracia's card.
Sophie Estelle Willocq
Much love to all who wished. Much love to all who remembered (even if it's with the aid of Friendster/Facebook/Handphone). Much love to all who made me feel extra loved today.
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