I'd love to:
Place a message in a bottle. Watch it drift further away from me. And hope I get a reply.
Received my bank statement today uh-oh. Fast and furious I whisked it away before my mom happened to notice it. Okay time to sell off my clothes to recoup my losses!
We've all been busy writing our testimonials. GAH it is absolutely horrendous to have to come up with such exaggerations about yourself! It feels so shameless but we've no choice. Gracia's extremely skilled at turning mundane facts into startling stellar qualities about herself.
Civics Tutor: "Some of you have been selected for the Mastery Sessions this term".
Sophie: "Is it just a nicer way of saying Remedial?"
Civics Tutor: "Umm yes".
Right. We're even named the "at risk students". Really! Hahahaha.
Went for my first Mastery (snort) sessions today, they're actually quite helpful. Beats sitting at home where I'm bound to sleep/end up online/engage in some other extremely gratifiying but unproductive activity.
My mom's out painting the town red and I'm at home.. ALevels suck. And I haven't even begun studying yet.
More pictures from France, the scenery really can be beautiful. The water is so achingly blue and clear:

I'm sure I'll be jealous of my daughter in the future. Aren't mothers?
There she is, brimming with life while I'm in the last chapter of mine. Every day brings something for her, every day takes something from me.

It says "Dear Daddy".

Place a message in a bottle. Watch it drift further away from me. And hope I get a reply.
Received my bank statement today uh-oh. Fast and furious I whisked it away before my mom happened to notice it. Okay time to sell off my clothes to recoup my losses!
We've all been busy writing our testimonials. GAH it is absolutely horrendous to have to come up with such exaggerations about yourself! It feels so shameless but we've no choice. Gracia's extremely skilled at turning mundane facts into startling stellar qualities about herself.
Civics Tutor: "Some of you have been selected for the Mastery Sessions this term".
Sophie: "Is it just a nicer way of saying Remedial?"
Civics Tutor: "Umm yes".
Right. We're even named the "at risk students". Really! Hahahaha.
Went for my first Mastery (snort) sessions today, they're actually quite helpful. Beats sitting at home where I'm bound to sleep/end up online/engage in some other extremely gratifiying but unproductive activity.
My mom's out painting the town red and I'm at home.. ALevels suck. And I haven't even begun studying yet.
More pictures from France, the scenery really can be beautiful. The water is so achingly blue and clear:
I'm sure I'll be jealous of my daughter in the future. Aren't mothers?
There she is, brimming with life while I'm in the last chapter of mine. Every day brings something for her, every day takes something from me.
It says "Dear Daddy".
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