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Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Apparel reviews!

In the span of 2 weeks I tore 3 contact lenses. All on the left side. This has like, never happened to me before. Result = dug out old sponsored Freshkon coloured lenses. Which may or may not be expired.

I normally wear clear prescription lenses.
I have astigmatism, which coloured lenses aren't able to correct/help.
And 600 degree myopia T_T lol
Basically I am half-blind without my contact lens/spectacles.
Really hope to get LASIK soon! *cough* sponsor please? *cough*

So in view of my blonde hair, I decided to use my blue lenses!

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Cute cross peplum top from MarzlTov! Definitely bringing this to Europe!
P.S. Quote "Sophie" to get $1 off!

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Prancing in Posies top from Clothes Republic
Another cute piece for the summer with the little chiffon roses & light material :)

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Pretty lilac-blue dress from Ecstatic Summer!
This classic design comes in pink & yellow as well!
P.S. Quote "sophie10" to get 10% off your total purchase!
14 comments on "Adverts"
  1. I love the last picture! You should make it your display photo on your social networking sites!

  2. U look gorgeous with blonde hair and blue lens!!!
    <3 <3 <3

  3. looking sweet as always!
    and I like ur hat in the second look =D

    Heaven Knows

  4. Your blonde hair really suits you.

  5. Your hair is fantastic. I have to say I love the lenses -Hanna Lei

  6. Blonde might as well be your natural hair color. It suits you really well! Love the peplum top with crosses. I think it matches the hat you wore on your second outfit better.

    A Hint of Sunlight

  7. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Your hair is very pretty! Soapz, try and dye ur eyebrow lighter so it will suits ur blonde hair! ^^ I love the 2 last picture!!! So pretty!

    - K

  8. Anonymous4:02 PM

    AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE SPONSOR SOPHIE THE LASIK SURGERY!!!! Because i want to do lasik too and if you've done it and review it, share the experience with us, maybe i have much more clearer understanding about this whole lasik surgery! I know i can go and ask the doctor straight but i need honest review about someone i know who did it! I have no friends who've done lasik!!! So i cant ask them about the whole process!! So i really hope that SOMEONE SPONSOR YOU THE LASIK SURGERY PLEASE!!!! T T

    - K

    1. Anonymous12:30 AM

      Just do it. It's painless, fast and safe procedure! I've done it.

  9. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I wonder if anyone will accuse you of acting angmoh. Then you can tell them that, well, you are. That would be awesome.

  10. Anonymous3:34 AM

    No matter what everyone here says, blonde is not your hair colour. It drains you of all skin colour and makes you look bland.
    The dark hair is sexy and seducing, the blonde... *shudder*
    And I do not mean it doesn't "fit" you, it does, your skin undertone and hair colour match, it just... drains you.

  11. Anonymous6:32 PM

    The blond color washes you out and somehow makes you look old... in some pics, it even looks like you're trying on a wig. =\

  12. Hi Sophie! It's me Mr Style King =)

    You look great in all your pictures and all the lens in all colors suit you well.

    Hope to catch up with you and Yutaki again soon! = )


  13. Wow, you look great with blue eyes!
