UGH Socrates (or Plato) is giving me a headache. It's such a drag to read my Philo book cause he just goes round and round and round (and on and on and on)...

Right now I only have projects for South East Asian Studies and Geography. At least I'm not in Architecture where people (Sarah) slept 2 days straight in school on the tables so as to work on their project. Yawn I even have time to play Farmville (Level 19!).
Anyway, who knew evil could look so good?! (Cliche, but fitting). GIMME SOME OF THAT MALFOY.

Ooohh... Arms (biceps)... Eyes... Mouth.. He even has a nose :o
Haha like in lecture the other day we were sitting in the same row as The Cute Boy going like: "Ooh I can see his beautiful feet!" and "Got a glimpse of his beautiful nose!". Okay in reality he isn't all that. (Even if he were, feet are well.. just feet). But it makes for interesting distraction.
Dan Brown's newest book The Lost Symbol is coming out on Tuesday! Eggcited! Bet y'all didn't know that! No one I enthused to about the book knew. >:(
Back to people-watching. Bye bye.
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